[tryton-es] Instalando htlm_report / Babi en Tryton 4.4 con error en "weasyprint"
Favio Dutria
2018-02-05 19:37:16 UTC
Buenas tardes.

Hago estas lineas para ver si alguien me puede ayudar. Estoy en Tryton 4.4
e instalando BABI que tiene como dependencia la librería "weasyprint".
Al intentar instalar dicha librería median pip install weasyprint me da el

Collecting weasyprint
Using cached WeasyPrint-0.42.2.tar.gz
Complete output from command python setup.py egg_info:
error in WeasyPrint setup command: Invalid environment marker:
python_version < "3.0"

Actualmente estoy ejecutando python 2.7.
Debo si o si migrar a Python > 3.0 o existe alguna versión de weasyprint
compatible con Python 2.7?

Desde muchas gracias,
Favio Dutria
Raimon Esteve
2018-02-05 21:36:58 UTC
Post by Favio Dutria
Buenas tardes.
Hago estas lineas para ver si alguien me puede ayudar. Estoy en Tryton 4.4 e
instalando BABI que tiene como dependencia la librería "weasyprint".
Al intentar instalar dicha librería median pip install weasyprint me da el
Collecting weasyprint
Using cached WeasyPrint-0.42.2.tar.gz
python_version < "3.0"
Actualmente estoy ejecutando python 2.7.
Debo si o si migrar a Python > 3.0 o existe alguna versión de weasyprint
compatible con Python 2.7?
según pypi está disponible 2.7 i 3.x

$ python --version
Python 2.7.12

$ pip install weasyprint
You are using pip version 7.1.0, however version 9.0.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
Collecting weasyprint
Downloading WeasyPrint-0.42.2.tar.gz (399kB)
100% |████████████████████████████████| 401kB 388kB/s
Collecting html5lib>=0.999999999 (from weasyprint)
Using cached html5lib-1.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Collecting tinycss2>=0.5 (from weasyprint)
Using cached tinycss2-0.6.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Collecting cssselect2>=0.1 (from weasyprint)
Using cached cssselect2-0.2.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Collecting cffi>=0.6 (from weasyprint)
Collecting cairocffi>=0.5 (from weasyprint)
Collecting Pyphen>=0.8 (from weasyprint)
Using cached Pyphen-0.9.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Collecting pdfrw>=0.4 (from weasyprint)
Using cached pdfrw-0.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Collecting CairoSVG<2.0.0,>=1.0.20 (from weasyprint)
Collecting webencodings (from html5lib>=0.999999999->weasyprint)
Using cached webencodings-0.5.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): six>=1.9 in
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (from
Collecting pycparser (from cffi>=0.6->weasyprint)
Building wheels for collected packages: weasyprint
Running setup.py bdist_wheel for weasyprint
Stored in directory:
Successfully built weasyprint
Installing collected packages: webencodings, html5lib, tinycss2,
cssselect2, pycparser, cffi, cairocffi, Pyphen, pdfrw, CairoSVG,
Found existing installation: html5lib 0.999
Not uninstalling html5lib at /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages,
outside environment /home/resteve/virtualenv/neteja_drone
Successfully installed CairoSVG-1.0.22 Pyphen-0.9.4 cairocffi-0.8.0
cffi-1.11.4 cssselect2-0.2.1 html5lib-1.0.1 pdfrw-0.4 pycparser-2.18
tinycss2-0.6.1 weasyprint-0.42.2 webencodings-0.5.1

Favio Dutria
2018-02-06 13:37:05 UTC
Muchas gracias, en mi caso tuve que hacer lo siguiente:

sudo pip install --upgrade cffi
sudo pip install weasyprint==0.41

Con esto me funciono, lo copio por las dudas que alguien mas tenga el mismo
Estoy con instalación Debian bajo la distro LMD2 Betsy

Post by Favio Dutria
Buenas tardes.
Hago estas lineas para ver si alguien me puede ayudar. Estoy en Tryton
4.4 e
Post by Favio Dutria
instalando BABI que tiene como dependencia la librería "weasyprint".
Al intentar instalar dicha librería median pip install weasyprint me da
Post by Favio Dutria
Collecting weasyprint
Using cached WeasyPrint-0.42.2.tar.gz
python_version < "3.0"
Actualmente estoy ejecutando python 2.7.
Debo si o si migrar a Python > 3.0 o existe alguna versión de weasyprint
compatible con Python 2.7?
según pypi está disponible 2.7 i 3.x
$ python --version
Python 2.7.12
$ pip install weasyprint
You are using pip version 7.1.0, however version 9.0.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
Collecting weasyprint
Downloading WeasyPrint-0.42.2.tar.gz (399kB)
100% |████████████████████████████████| 401kB 388kB/s
Collecting html5lib>=0.999999999 (from weasyprint)
Using cached html5lib-1.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Collecting tinycss2>=0.5 (from weasyprint)
Using cached tinycss2-0.6.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Collecting cssselect2>=0.1 (from weasyprint)
Using cached cssselect2-0.2.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Collecting cffi>=0.6 (from weasyprint)
Collecting cairocffi>=0.5 (from weasyprint)
Collecting Pyphen>=0.8 (from weasyprint)
Using cached Pyphen-0.9.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Collecting pdfrw>=0.4 (from weasyprint)
Using cached pdfrw-0.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Collecting CairoSVG<2.0.0,>=1.0.20 (from weasyprint)
Collecting webencodings (from html5lib>=0.999999999->weasyprint)
Using cached webencodings-0.5.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): six>=1.9 in
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (from
Collecting pycparser (from cffi>=0.6->weasyprint)
Building wheels for collected packages: weasyprint
Running setup.py bdist_wheel for weasyprint
Successfully built weasyprint
Installing collected packages: webencodings, html5lib, tinycss2,
cssselect2, pycparser, cffi, cairocffi, Pyphen, pdfrw, CairoSVG,
Found existing installation: html5lib 0.999
Not uninstalling html5lib at /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages,
outside environment /home/resteve/virtualenv/neteja_drone
Successfully installed CairoSVG-1.0.22 Pyphen-0.9.4 cairocffi-0.8.0
cffi-1.11.4 cssselect2-0.2.1 html5lib-1.0.1 pdfrw-0.4 pycparser-2.18
tinycss2-0.6.1 weasyprint-0.42.2 webencodings-0.5.1